About me

A Multi-Passionate Solopreneur Helping Other Multi-Passionate Business Owners

How many times have you read the phrase “If you confuse, you lose” when it comes to marketing yourself and your business? Probably more than you’d care to count. And yet, as a multi-passionate business owner it can be hard to narrow yourself down. And if you’re multilingual on top of being multi-passionate, knowing how to market your business – and in what language – gets tricky. Lista Organic Marketing was born from a desire to combine my own varied interests and language skills to serve like-minded women wanting to show up as their full self and in all their languages.

An origin story

How I Got Started

My path to marketing consultant was anything but straightforward, though lots of the signs were there. If you’d like the full story, click to keep reading…

Why We're here

The Lista Mission

Lista Organic Marketing operates with the following goals at the forefront of everything we do:

To help small business owners and solopreneurs understand what they need to do to establish effective marketing practices and craft successful marketing materials.

To help this same group of people create and execute organic marketing plans that take into consideration their time and mental health.

To encourage bilingual business owners and solopreneurs to not be afraid to show up in both their languages - and give them the tools to do so.

And lastly, to provide high quality, done-for-you organic marketing services in English and Spanish to small business owners and solopreneurs ready to outsource these tasks.

Lista Organic Marketing

About our name

Launching Lista Organic Marketing was an intentional rebranding that took into consideration my own multi-passionate nature and the ways I most enjoy helping clients. In Spanish, lista means three things: 

As a company focused on email list-building strategies for smart, talented, multilingual business owners, this one word seemed to encompass everything I want the company to be about. If you’re lista to get started making your marketing work for you, let’s talk.

Organic Growth

Grow your reach. Grow your email list.
Grow your business.

Grow your reach. Grow your email list. Grow your business.

Effective organic marketing can help you hit all your goals.

How I Got Started

Young Britt loved to write: from creative short stories in my free time to the research papers my peers dreaded, I loved it. I grew up on a steady diet of Murder, She Wrote, and Agatha Christie novels and have never lost my love for a good mystery (or even a not-so-good one if it’s entertaining!). In my high school and undergraduate years, my peers frequently used me as (a rather vicious) proofreader of their final drafts before submitting their work. But the older I got, the more I got into foreign languages over English. So I pursued an undergraduate degree in International Relations and Spanish. My novel-buying budget turned into a subscription to The Economist, and I fully anticipated joining the foreign service (i.e. the State Department) after college.


But life took one of its funny turns, and I instead came back to the area I grew up in, working a variety of office jobs that ranged from boring to rage-inducing.  Attempting to make a career switch a possibility, I pursued a dual Master’s Degree program in Business Administration and Translation. The bad news is it taught me I did not want to be a translator!  But it did lead me to my next job. I landed an internship, and ultimately full-time position, with a small market research firm specializing in globalization research, where I split my time between operations and marketing. I eventually became their full-time marketing manager and wore A-L-L the hats. And it solidified for me how much I loved working with other individuals who valued a global world view. 


Like many people, the COVID-19 pandemic shook up the status quo for me. Between lockdowns and new motherhood, it was clear I wanted – and needed – a career that was more flexible and more in line with my passions. And so another freelancer was born. Choosing to specialize in copywriting was not hard; writing has always been a beloved talent and turning that talent towards helping others grow their business was a no-brainer. I started with short-term projects but realized what I most loved was getting to know a business and being able to guide their goals. If I got to do that in more than one language, so much the better. Thus Lista Organic Marketing was born from my love of all my languages and wanting to help other multilingual, multi-passionate business owners show up as their full self and in all their languages.