Grow your audience. Grow your email list. Grow your business.

Strategy-based, done-for-you organic marketing for multi-passionate and multilingual business owners.

Effective Organic Marketing

The right words can propel you forward or stop you in your tracks.

Most businesses need more than word of mouth to hit their growth goals. They *know* that regular content creation is important, but it takes a back seat to client work. But when the projects end and there are no new leads in the pipeline, they panic, post frantically to social media, write several haphazard blogs, and start wondering about “that SEO stuff”. And then give up when it doesn’t immediately bring clients.

Remove the panic and guesswork.

You need a strategy.

Effective organic marketing means quality content that connects with your audience, nurtures their loyalty, and converts them into lifetime customers. Most importantly, it’s consistent and goal-based.

SEO Blogging

Connect and draw in your audience with quality content that’s easily found in search.


Nurture your audience with valuable information on a regular basis.


Leverage and grow audiences across platforms with relevant content.

Lead Magnets

Create an offer they can’t refuse and capture that most coveted of information: the email address.

Be You

Let Your Whole-Self Shine - In all your languages

Multi-passionate, multilingual business owners, coaches, and consultants face additional challenges when it comes to connecting with their audience. They’re also our passion at Lista Organic Marketing. If you’re looking to promote your business in English and Spanish, you’re in the right place.

Organic Marketing & Strategy

Grow Your Audience. Grow Your
Business. In Three Steps.

Grow Your Audience. Grow Your Business. In Three Steps.

Vibe Check.

Not everyone is a good fit, I get that. Get on a free call with me to see if we’re a good match.

Strategy Session.

Together we’ll do a deep dive into your business goals for the next 6-12 months and create a content plan to get you there.

Write. Analyze. Repeat.

As you begin posting the content and implementing other plan goals, we’ll track and analyze performance to do more of what’s working and less of what’s not.


What past and current clients have to say about working with Britt.

Organic Growth

Grow your reach. Grow your email list.
Grow your business.

Grow your reach. Grow your email list. Grow your business.

Effective organic marketing can help you hit all your goals.

How to brainstorm blog post ideas and outlines: Brainstorming Ideas for Writing

How to brainstorm blog post ideas and…

Brainstorming Ideas for Writing How to brainstorm blog post ideas and outlines March 18, 2022 Start a search for “brainstorming” or “brainstorming definition”…

Our Blog

Empower your marketing

We’re not here to gate-keep knowledge. Our blog is specifically targeted to two audiences: business owners who are DIY-ing their marketing out of necessity and business owners who want to feel empowered and knowledgeable when talking to marketing professionals (like us!).

A DIY Marketing Plan

The Owner’s Guide to Marketing with Your Mental Health in Mind

When you’re trying to grow and don’t have the budget to outsource, you still need a plan. This guide gives step-by-step advice on how to develop a marketing plan that will work for you on your good days and your not-so-good days.